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This open house was active from Feb 11-27, 2022. Information on this website may no longer be current. Email us for more information.


Construction begins in March and will continue through Dec. 31, 2023.

Two vehicle lanes will be kept open with flaggers holding traffic up to 10 minutes at a time. 

Cyclists will share the road with vehicles during construction. A signed detour will be provided for Tualatin Valley Highway.

Construction staging plan

We will work on Cornelius Pass Road in the following phases:

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Stage 1

Vehicle lanes will be shifted to the east and construction will take place on the west, outside of the travel lanes. Intersections, access to businesses and school access will remain open during construction.

Stage 2

The bike lane on Tualatin Valley Road east of Cornelius Pass Road will be closed for turn lane construction. A bicycle detour will be signed. 

The second stage of construction will have two phases.

Phase 1

Vehicles lanes will be shifted to the west and construction will take place on the east, outside of the travel lanes. 

Waterline construction will take place during this phase. Access to side streets will be closed for about one week each while waterline is installed across the intersection.

Phase 2

A portion of waterline will be installed across Cornelius Pass Road. Vehicle lanes will be shifted around the construction.

Stage 3

The final construction will take place on the west side of Cornelius Pass Road at Frances Street.